Well, green is getting finished faster, weather is changing and becoming unpredictable every where all round the world. Even last year winter, the oldest people couldn't remember whether they had ever seen such long lasting winter in their life time. There's Global warming a term we're hearing and getting common to us and it's not only happening with us too and affecting our climates. The Ice in the Arctics are melting down.
We're working hard for it though, by conducting seminars and workshops. We're trying to create the awareness all round. That's the point where we're trying to wash off our hands and limiting our responsibilities. Tsunami hit taken thousands of lives and more than lakhs became home less. Still we're not serious, just attending workshops and enjoying the parties in the meet.
On 16-18th of Sept, 2007 in one side the National Symposium is happening on Global Warming at EZCC (Eastern Zone Cultural Center) at HB Block Island
organized by West Bengal Science Forum (Paschim Bango Biggyan Mancho) in one side and on the other side of the road from HB island to the Tank 13, people were cutting down trees and piling it up at the road side, so that, they can celebrate the Viswakarma Pujo well and do the lighting well. They are not connected with the seminar directly, but doing a good business due to this big gathering.
What an Irony, the symposium is happening with many eminent speakers and conducted by many famous people and environmentalists, but what about these people Ramu, Jatin and Suresh who drive three wheel environment friendly Cycle Ricksaws in Saltlake City, they're just trying to celebrate Viswakarma Pujo on 18th Sept, 2007 near tank no.13.
Fortunately these types of symposiums all round India ends up with gala success and after spending thousands of rupees since our freedom. The attendees feel happy with good lunches and gift packs and rest of the common people forget as soon as it ends up. The cause is never conveyed well and communicated properly to the roots in our country and make the common people understand about the fatality of the green destructions.
Ramu, Jatin and people like them would still drive three wheel cycle ricksaw to keep the environment friendly, to live their life, even if they don't attend these symposiums. Those attendees and these types of symposiums how long we could afford to attend and make successful by missing the main stream of people ?
ClickSaltlake would always try to bring such incidences to your notice. We'll try to make it a to make it a better place to live.
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