Is it a fact that Kolkata you’re losing your heart….
The maddening traffic was always there, but we used to praise Kolkata for your heart and charm, you’re losing it and getting self centered. We used to miss you wherever we’re in this earth. You now love and appreciate nothing but…body…lust…extravaganza…you're IT Savvy Kolkata…you don’t have heart.
Thousands of cars and traffic passed by the accident spot and the body of a young guy named Bijoy Dey, age-25, only money earner of the family working in Price Water House Coopers yesterday, none came across to help him and hospitalize. He died on the road without getting any one’s help in a road accident but he saved a mentally retarded woman who came infront of his bike. Bijoy you've proved again that young and talented people like you are still there who still care the humanity, but I guess you've forgotten that, you're living in this heartless city, which you had paid off by giving your own life lying on the road after the accident and waiting for the medication and help on a busy road. You're few in numbers, so none could stop for you while going to their work. This incident happened in front of the boat club named “Nal Ban” in
Isn’t it the same repetition of the news 3 weeks back, when a helpless lad was crying and asking for the help in the PNB Island of Salt
None stopped to help the unknown in this city. Let us try to get into finding the root cause of such attitudes of the city dwellers. Is it the end of the rat race when we’re trying to stay happy within our periphery, our family members and our jobs or, something else?
Mostly said, unfortunately it’s the Kolkata Police who had emerged as the suckers. They unnecessarily harass the common people who’ve tried to help others. The city cops had been designed once in the model of the famous Scotland Yard . Since then, they’ve been evolved as the Govt paid official bouncers and we paid their salaries from our hard earned money as tax. Instead being friendly to the society and common people, they started extracting money from the common people and business men to live their lavish life styles. They forgot their main duty to control the crime and criminals to help the society. Younger people are ready to get a job in police in Kolkata by giving bribes in Lakhs, and they’re sure they can get the return within few years.
Today a news came, few people who have cleared the written exam for Kolkata Police, sent their proxy runners to qualify in the physical tests in Salt Lake Stadium and were caught red handed. So, just imagine the people who had already qualified in those exams in past by the help of proxy writers or runners and got admitted in Police Dept through corruption, can they be helpful for the society?
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